Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dr Perricone Recommends Acai Berry Diet - All You Need to Know About the Best Fat Loss Fruit

For a food to be classified as a super food, it must also have the highest rating in nutrient content. From time to time, it has in the past, foods that have occupied the position in order to be classified as such. It was not until the discovery of the acai berry as a super food in the scholarly centers in the United States and its exposure to its public if the claims showed the other attributes of the fruit. Acai Berry super food increases as the benchmark for other foods,qualify.

In fact, acai berry is very popular in many parts of Brazil for generations and have as a healthy food, especially for those who used to live in the Amazon region, where the berries seem to grow best. The Berry has considered long ago by Native Americans as a health food, energy, food and food ingredients in order to be left in peace to remain younger the berry the ability to sound of a younger-looking skin. Since the berries it was brought to public attention, other attributes of the fruithave been discovered and further tests were carried out. To this innumerate takes a very long list of health benefits that it almost seems, is not it.

While almost all the fruits usually those who have the acai berry could be found included, they were never found in fruits exist with so much concentration, and in so many variations. Already have yet to be undertaken in order to support additional requests and today, more will be discovered. In fact, behind all the attributes thathave already been discovered in the fruit, there are still more than 75 different compounds, which are still to be determined.

The status of Superfood Acai berry is not a marketing claim, as some people might be tempted to believe. If the acai berry food was great, as featured in a book "The Perricone Promise," written by a highly respected professor in food and nutrition, the public jumped on the train.

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