Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dr Perricone Recommends Acai Berry Diet - All You Need to Know About the Best Fat Loss Fruit

For a food to be classified as a super food, it must also have the highest rating in nutrient content. From time to time, it has in the past, foods that have occupied the position in order to be classified as such. It was not until the discovery of the acai berry as a super food in the scholarly centers in the United States and its exposure to its public if the claims showed the other attributes of the fruit. Acai Berry super food increases as the benchmark for other foods,qualify.

In fact, acai berry is very popular in many parts of Brazil for generations and have as a healthy food, especially for those who used to live in the Amazon region, where the berries seem to grow best. The Berry has considered long ago by Native Americans as a health food, energy, food and food ingredients in order to be left in peace to remain younger the berry the ability to sound of a younger-looking skin. Since the berries it was brought to public attention, other attributes of the fruithave been discovered and further tests were carried out. To this innumerate takes a very long list of health benefits that it almost seems, is not it.

While almost all the fruits usually those who have the acai berry could be found included, they were never found in fruits exist with so much concentration, and in so many variations. Already have yet to be undertaken in order to support additional requests and today, more will be discovered. In fact, behind all the attributes thathave already been discovered in the fruit, there are still more than 75 different compounds, which are still to be determined.

The status of Superfood Acai berry is not a marketing claim, as some people might be tempted to believe. If the acai berry food was great, as featured in a book "The Perricone Promise," written by a highly respected professor in food and nutrition, the public jumped on the train.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Acai Berry Research - What Does Research Say About Acai Berry and Its Weight Loss Benefits?

All if the Acai Berry a source of food for Brazilians for years, it was only recently that American scientists started research and found Acai Berry Nutritional factors and benefits when used during a diet and promoting healthier lifestyles.

Most Americans have no idea of the fruit or how affective their nutrients have been, while diets until Dr. Nicholas Perricone author and anti-aging expert, described the fruit in his book entitled "The> Perricone Promise. "Dr. Nicholas Perricone describes the fruit as the number one super food in the world. His philosophy drew the attention of many dieters, including Oprah Winfrey, the Acai Berry guru invited to show her to Acai Berry Research discuss and explain benefits to the diet.

Scientists have proved that Acai berries are the most important components together, the metabolism, control hunger, promote and develop shaped muscles. That is a lot ofBite into such a small fruit. It was also found that Acai berries have a large amount of antioxidants. Other fruits hold no comparison when measured by the USDA. This delicious fruit is stated to have nutritional value than any other fruit in the world.

Acai Berry Research shows that this kind of fruit has many advantages, such as:

Weight Loss Control


Help in managing pain

Helps build the immune --System

Strong alliance for the prevention of cancer, cancer and many other diseases

Improve digestion

Support for sleep disorders


The Acai Berry is the new diet evolution. The word is, and many Americans are on the lookout for this new fruit. It is not as easy as it might seem. This fruit is not grown here in the States and it is impossible to order online, or they are moved, because of the fact as soon as the grapes, it was prettybe eaten immediately. There only remain fresh for 2 days at best before spoiling. Nevertheless, many companies have included the nutritional fruit derived ingredients and all forms of diet, many drugs that are less perishable and to preserve the nutritional benefits.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ACAI - The Superfood

ACAI - (pronounced ah-sigh-EE)

Four letters that pack a powerful punch. What is ACAI? ACAI is found a berry from a palm tree, produced primarily in the vicinity of the Amazon. When ripe, the berries are dark purple and about the size of a blueberry. They contain a thin layer of edible pulp with a large seed. Ages, before health food stores crazes used Brazilian ACAI berries, digestive disorders and skin diseases to treat.

Today is ACAIheralded as a superfood that is packed with two times the antioxidants of blueberries and pomegranate. It also contains healthy Omega fats, protein and dietary fiber. All of which are good for the heart, body, brain and skin.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of the Perricone Promise, details the "secrets" of looking younger and living longer. He discusses the importance of choosing "superfoods" for your daily diet and consumption. According to Dr. Perricone, "superfoods" have a direct link to the "Brain-Beauty Connection. "These foods are both essential fatty acids (EFAs), antioxidants and rich in fiber also ... [have shown some foods] to reduce or control blood sugar levels-an extremely important factor for all those associated with slowing the aging process and preventing diabetes, obesity, wrinkles and a variety of degenerative diseases. "(1)

Perricone 's # 1 "super food"? You got it! ACAI!

"> ACAI pulp contains:

A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.

A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to promote cardiovascular and digestive health.

An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction andRegeneration. "(2)

ACAI has also been reported:

Boost Energy

Fight free radicals

Improves digestion

Improves mental clarity / focus

Clean and detoxify the body

Strengthens the immune system

Fight cancer cells

Slow down the aging process

Promote a healthier, younger looking skin

To alleviate diabetes

Helps maintain healthy heart function

Minimizes inflammation

Science also supports the benefits of ACAI - A study conducted at the University of Florida (3) has shown that the antioxidants destroyed [in ACAI] cultured human cancer cells. "Indeed, the potential of the ACAI is only the beginning of hisrealized.

There is much talk about the health properties of this wonderful fruit, but the proof is in the berry itself! Try it!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One Superfood You Should Incorporate In Your Life Today

It seems that everyone is jumping on the super-antioxidant foods and train, and why not - we all want to live a longer, healthier and happier life. And super foods give us that opportunity.

Why Superfoods. Super-helping food, reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are likely to play a role in more than 60 different variety of health issues play.

A Super Food is a food, the properties that lower disease risk and longevity to promote healing.They are natural food sources, which are highly concentrated with a complex supply of quality nutrients. Food super foods each day fit naturally in the fight against the pollutants of the modern world and remain healthy. There are also some super foods that have strong anti-aging qualities in himself that a man or a woman is concerned about countering the effects of aging make sure.

One of the best super food is the Acai (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee) Berry. It is anewly discovered fruit with amazing antioxidant properties. It is rich in antioxidants - the acai berry has three times the amount of antioxidants as blueberries. Acai berries are perfect as a natural food. This super food is nutrition in its simplest and most complete form.

The Acai berry is grown mainly in Central and South America. It is fast taking over as the new super food mixer of choice. It has been shown recently by Oprah's Health Advisor Dr.Nicholas Perricone as the number one super food on the Oprah Winfrey Show for its anti-aging beauty qualities. The Acai berry is an important super food because it takes care of your cardiovascular system, and it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

With all these strong advantages, it is no wonder that the Acai as the world's number one superfood, the Amazon Viagra, and the next big workout cocktail called.

Where can I buy it? It can oftenbe found in juice form in health food stores and gourmet stores like Whole Foods. Or you can identify packages to buy the berries themselves, good.

How should you eat? You can eat the berries as a snack throughout the day, or you can acai juice blend in a blender with other powerful super foods such as strawberries, bananas, blueberries and a delicious smoothie. You can also use a few berries to your favorite oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. You can also use the nutritionto extract supplemented with Acai Berry, if you prefer. This is the least preferred method, as you'll get to drink the health benefits from eating the fruit or the juice.

Super foods are the perfection of nature against the stupidity of man. They offer us a healthy way to combat the effects of aging, prevent many diseases and the promotion of good health. Begin to great food, you take your meals, especially the Acai Berry and you can feel the difference.

This is just a super food,there are many other anti-aging properties that you want to learn about it.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Where Can I Buy Acai?

Before long, be sure to spread the news about acai's benefits to all the way from Oprah's studios in Chicago with the rest of the world.

Thanks to Oprah and Dr. Perricone, and other well-known physicians, scientists, celebrities, and pretty much anyone else who takes good health seriously, there has been a sudden and overwhelming increase in demand for the Amazonian acai berry has been here in the U.S.

As expected, the overnight celebrity statusThis small super food has reached led to reputable sources to find as it has become more difficult everyday. We see this with many different sources, or food supplements, they explode suddenly on the stage.

As health-conscious people start climbing all over the country to obtain their own supplies which can not legitimate suppliers to keep pace with demand - so we end up with a lot of pretenders and less than ethical and manufacturers who are willing to share subpar product on the Marketthat fills the gap.

Now this does not mean that it is impossible to buy acai quality. Far from it.

In fact, in just a second I'm going to point to a number of resources where you can find some very good sources for acai - and what's coming, I also explain a few little tricks that you receive, allows your own supply of acai free.

So please, stay tuned for that. It is was definitely worth it.

But first we want something more than a few options to go,You can judge for themselves what might you think is best for you.

My experience with Buy Acai

Of course I would not put that in writing, where someone can acai without having to buy it myself to do, so here's a quick breakdown of the things I've tried and why I think I should have probably just use the method I recommend going down, you place in a second.

The first thing I wanted was to buy frozen acai pulp. I'm a big smoothieFan, and I thought I could stuff into my existing superfood smoothies plop afternoon and drink my health in breathtaking.

My local Whole Foods is large, so that they take almost everything that one can wish for. So I was really glad when I was able to find what has been called the Acai smoothie packs in the freezer section.

What I was not turned over the price - six U.S. dollars for four small packages of the pulp. These were some expensive smoothies Imade.

Okay, so I have decided, look at another option. This time I tried the mass dried acai powder, you see all over the place. Also the price was quite shocking.

They wanted $ 30 (and a selling price) for an embarrassingly small container of this powder. And of course it was not good for anything, if I did not mix with anything. It is not so, you will scatter to the stuff on your cereal in the morning.

So these two methods toacai to my diet was lacking both the price and convenience. I mean, I do not know many people who are planning to buy a freezer for their office to make and buy these frozen Acai smoothie packs twice a week, a mixer to keep it there, then mark your employees through the mixture of a to acai smoothie in the middle of the day.

That did not happen easily.

The Acai powder was a bit more comfortable, but again, we are talking about a price that was not great, alongwith the fact that I would have had to mix up the stuff to take it.

What I needed was something that I can take anywhere to be sure that I got an adequate amount of acai on a daily basis to get the full benefit.

And for me, I found the perfect solution. So let's cover that right now.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

How Are Dr Perricone and Acai Berry Connected

If you've never heard of Dr. Perricone, he is a very frequent guest on the Oprah show and becomes a bestseller author, which went on in weight loss, anti-technology and experts in several other important topics relating to nutrition and health.

Dr. Perricone has a list of what he calls the top 10 superfoods. There are more than 10 so-called superfoods but here are ten that are either in antioxidents, fiber or fatty acids are high. Acai has all three.

* > Açaí

* The Allium Family

* Barley

* Beans and lentils

* Buckwheat

* Green foods

* Hot Peppers

* Nuts and seeds

* Sprouts

* Yogurt and Kefir

Thus one of the direct connection with Dr. Perricone and Acai berry is that it gives it high praise as one of the few super foods that contain fiber, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. There are not many who can make the same claim.

In his book "The> Perricone Weight Loss Diet-3 A Simple Plan to Lose the Fat, the wrinkles and the years ", said Dr. Perricone acai and said ...

"Acai is good for weight loss because it cyanidin, contains a highly antioxidant phytochemical compound." This assertion is in a Japanese research report that demonstrated that cyanidins labor by reducing fat absorption and "draining body fat." (see pp. 59)

Apart from his admiration for the power of the acaiBerry, Dr. Perricone and Acai berry combined with his association with Oprah that he is a frequent guest on the show, and finally how he contributed to its exposure to the large number of people who show her to and see you read speed up its books.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dr. Oz and Perricone Agree on the Acai Berry Diet

Two big name doctors agree that acai berry supplements are more than just a diet, fashion, they say that falling berries from the Brazilian "Tree of Life" could help people live much better.

Oprah's resident doctor, Dr. Oz says the health benefits of acai berry juice or supplements your body will hold a cooperation with you and fight the toxins of everyday life. And Dr. Nicholas Perricone - the father of the Inflammation Theory of Aging has made --the berry on his list of 10 Superfoods for Anti-Aging.

Combined, the doctors say the small berries make yourself feel better and look better.

They say the powerful blend of antioxidants, fiber and essential fatty acids keep the skin looks great, fight free radicals and keep your muscles recover and to say too much.

They also point to research that the benefits of a diet high in fat, as it has been found in olive oil, contribute to a healthyHeart and help in the absorption of other vitamins, including those that help a healthy heart.

The benefits include:
Highly concentrated antioxidants to combat premature aging - 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Healthy fatty acids, fiber and phytosterols that promote cardiovascular and digestive health. Essential amino acids increased by hard in search of minerals vital to proper muscleContraction and regeneration. Concentrated healthy calories to keep people from getting hungry while maintaining high energy.

While the research is promising in the berry, warns Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone some misleading claims made in the fruit. The white variety of the fruit does little against radicals and toxins, so that the users need or curious Health nuts sure to find the purple acai berry, so that they pay the high price increases due to receive only some of theAdvantages.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

GNC Acai Berry Supplements - 5 Important Facts You Should Know!

GNC Acai Berry Supplements are one of the most popular options for health conscious people today. GNC, for those who are not aware, stands for General Nutrition Centers, the health and fitness products such as Acai Berry for sale. They probably stayed in that shop in your place, as they have been around since 1935. David Shakarian was the pioneer owner of GNC to 1984.

Acai berries are truly the world's preferred naturalto supplement them. Apart from the fact that they are actually very effective in promoting good health to us, these berries from one of the most credible and respected the health of the world have been sold. In addition, well-known TV personalities like Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray, as well as renowned doctors like Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone have also endorsed this Superfruit.

Acai Berry as pronounced ah-sigh-EE, is a native and a unique fruit that has been found from the richAmazon forest in South Brazil. The first took advantage of this used as a traditional medicine to cure a small, open wounds and later as an energy drink that enhances their energy. It helped them win so many battles. Today, this Super Fruit has now evolved into so many amazing health products and one of them is GNC Acai Berry Supplements. Below are our 5 important facts you should know about:

1. This presents the antioxidant capacity that does complysoft fruit to 8 servings standard real acai.

2. It mixes the Superfruit with other key herbal extracts such as Grape Skin, Bilberry, blueberry, elderberry, and pomegranate.

3. This also promotes faster metabolism because of its high fiber content.

4. It also contains vitamin E, which is our skin radiant and younger looking helps.

5. The GNC supplements give you real and pure Acai berry is why it is can also help you reduce weightin a jiffy!

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Weight Loss Energy Help With Acai

If you have been struggling with weight loss is not enough energy and motivation, you are definitely not alone. Millions of people know and want to put on extra weight, but long hours, lose their family life, and stress only SAP energy and they leave at the end.

Acai berry is a popular and fairly new fruit that is grown and harvested in Brazil. The acai berry is about the size of an average grape and it has a large seed inside.

One of the things thatAcai is known for its high antioxidant levels. However, it is also known as a good supplement to your diet when you try to lose weight.

Acai has a high fiber, which can help with digestion. It is also known to reduce fat. And after the best-selling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone, it is "nature's perfect energy fruit."

Dr. Perricone published what he calls the Top 10 Super Foods list. Theseare fruits and vegetables that all people should eat to live longer and healthier. Number one on his list is the Brazilian acai berry.

Acai berries are highly perishable so that the actual berries are not readily available outside the local areas. However, the berries and their meat is freeze-dried and made into concentrated capsules and liquid beverages.

More and more people are starting to pay attention to their health and weight acaiLoss benefits begin, we are mentioned at various trade shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, Rachael Ray and call a few of them.

Weight Loss Energy is not easy to obtain for most people and it takes a great deal of discipline, both with whom you eat and exercise. Acai could perform the task a little easier with more energy during and after exercise and improved recovery times make.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Acai Berry Fruit - Fresh Acai Facts

You've probably heard of Acai. If you do not, then you are learning about some interesting facts about the most talked about, newfound superfood called Acai Berry Fruit. The acai berry, in fact as "ah-sigh-ee" is pronounced, according to recent investigations have found properties that include good health supported. Here we will unravel these qualities for you.

Acai Berry Background

First, can live inthe background of the fruit. The Acai is a berry fruit. It can only be found growing in abundance deep in the Amazon rain forest, especially in Brazil. The fruit has a very short shelf life after harvest. It begins to break after one day. As such, it is hard to find acai berry in its original form outside of its natural environment.

Acai Berry Health Benefits

Among the reason why this little berry is called AcaiTime talking about his "health benefits. Scientists have found that the small berries are high in omega fatty acids. Apart from the Acai also contains a handful of nutrients that are needed by the human body.

In addition to high energy prices on the body, the omega fats and nutrients strengthens the immune system of the body. As such, a small daily dose of acai to a healthier lifestyle and more energy for the consumer.

The health benefits ofThe Acai is also directly to the fact that it promotes the metabolism of the body are related. While your body to digest food, the acai super food also reduces your desire for food by reducing the appetite. As a result of these two properties, the Acai Fruit Berry as a weight loss supplement is too many. Especially for the millions of weight conscious people in the U.S.

Acai Berry Products

From their "natural environment,Acai berries are found more in her "processed forms. You can now acai in the form of capsules, concentrated fruit juice, dried powder, and also in beauty products. Due to its" one days post-harvest life to find fresh Acai out of the rain forest is almost impossible.

Acai supplements are fast becoming the sought health products. Thanks to the big Hollywood names, like Oprah, who have promoted the Acai Superfood in their TV shows.The popularity which it brought about many brand names. Today is acai berry products under the brand name of Mona Vie Active, Sambazon, Zola, Perricone, Natrol, and more.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Using the Acai Berry For Weight Loss

It has a lot of hype about the Acai Berry as of late, and this is largely down to the phenomena which he made in the media. It had entries on Oprah and the center of the books such as Dr. Perricone's bestselling novel is. But even if there is anything behind the hype of the Acai Berry, you can be sure that by ordering from the Internet you do not fall into a scam?

Well, firstly it is important to note that you have to keepYour mind about you when ordering anything on the Internet. Scam sites exist for all types of products and they are not just limited to the Acai Berry. So the usual security precautions such as an SSL certificate (which, as the little lock at the bottom of the shows in the browser) screen, and indications that the company is a legitimate - for example a registered address and telephone number - which must be reviewed to ensure that the service is indeed a legitimate one.

In addition to these,otherwise the knowledge of the scam sites are legitimate is a little common sense when reading the sales pitch to use. Statements that sound too good to be true to maintain, and it should trigger alarm bells, if you are about the loss of tens of pounds, with seemingly without effort. Sadly enough, the force will require every diet and exercise, it is only a Acai Berry diet is used to extend this and make it much easier to do.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Acai Berry Diet Review - As Seen on TV With Oprah, Dr Oz and Perricone

Do you have to fight, can give an objective and truthful Acai Berry Diet review takes place? In this case, you have found him. This diet, which was on the Oprah show on TV Dr.Oz presented and discussed the new book by Dr. Perricone that his choice of the acai berry as the # 1 super food revealed. There are many benefits of this superfood fruit, but there are some false rumors about him. I plan to remove all these and go directly to the facts about the acaiFruit juice diet.

What are the benefits of drinking Acai Juice regularly?

There are many! In particular, the Omega 3 & 6-salary is high compared to its size, so that it benefits the cardiovascular system, digestive system and skin. Above all, acai contains very high levels of antioxidants are able to help prevent diseases and are also very good anti-aging substances. There are phytosterols, which control the immune system can, it alsothose who benefit from suffering from auto-immune dysfunction and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and allergies.

Great, it sounds so far, so what's the catch?

Well, it all depends on what you drink it? Want to help give you increase your overall health? Then an excellent choice. But those who believed that it was an excellent way to weight loss was unfortunately misinformed. This is due to the representation of Dr.Oz on the Oprah ShowTo clean discussion, a acai berry. However, this included a fiber shake that you drink with the acai juice. It was infact this fiber shake that promotes weight loss.


Acai may well contribute to your health, and it is a great opportunity for someone who wants it for that reason. However, he does not attempt the highest weight loss of so many who want to lead you to believe. That's not to say that it does not help with the weightLoss due to its variety of health effects increase. But in order for something that $ 3 - cost of $ 5 per day, is a mild, if any appreciable increase in fat burning, there are much better ways to add honest.